Microbee-MSPP Photo Gallery

Photos of Microbee and other vintage Australian microcomputers

18-07-12 Initial Unboxing848 viewsAll the bits appear to be there.
Now time to RTFM before firing up the soldering iron.
19-07-12 Bare premium baseboard1530 viewsBare baseboard prior to anything being added
20-07-12 Baseboard with passives installed611 viewsPremium baseboard with passive components, and rear connectors installed.
Now on to the keyboard....
20-07-12 Completed keyswitch adapters651 viewsCompleted keyswitch adapter boards prior to having their top leads snipped.
Off for a week with work, so no more updates till next weekend... boo-hoo!
01-08-12 Baseboard with sockets installed.586 viewsI've opted to install sockets for *all* IC's (except the 3 under the keyboard plate).
Happy to trade potential intermittent behaviour down the track for ease of repair :o)
Pic shows (almost) all sockets, PCG RAM adapter board board fitted.
Just the Keyboard assembly to go.....
01-08-12 Premium Plus Coreboard512 viewsNew coreboard with the floppy disk kit installed.
7805 Regulator mounting under keyboard frame592 viewsLike "Gadget" (Terry) I found the supplied wire too awkward for mounting the 7805.
Some solid core wire was much easier to line up with the holes.
(Legs from a 1Watt resistor would suffice also)
Extra key-switch installed for right-shift607 viewsI had two spare keytops in my kit, not sure if this will be the case for everyone?
Installed one of them in the circled position to better support the long, right-shift key.
The keytop will mate with both key-switches.
Completed Premium Plus Baseboard927 viewsCompleted assembly of the baseboard.
All components, key-switches installed.

Tomorrow is d-day :o)
Premium Plus #0008 up and running813 viewsPremium Plus up and running.
Screen shows the self-test firmware running.
20-07-12 Keyboard adapter soldering jig1822 viewsTo solder up the keyswitch adapters, I used an old piece of scrap experimenter board with a female 40pin connector mounted.
This makes it very easy to keep the pins perfectly straight whilst soldering the tiny board.
TIP: Solder one leg, then with a small screwdriver, press directly between the two pins while re-flowing the solder on the first leg. The tiny board will then be sitting flush on the header. Solder the second pin, wait 5 seconds, then remove :o)
11 files on 1 page(s)